Saturday, April 16, 2011

Creatively Featuring...Sandra Caldwell aka Babycakes Doodles & Designs

Today kicks off the first of many CREATIVE FEATURES that I will be sharing here at Pop Art Minis! There are so many amazing and talented people out there and I'm excited to share some of that talent with a regular fun and fantastic feature post!
Soooo....first up in the Creative Feature Showroom...
Sandra Caldwell, the awesomely talented artist behind the Babycakes Doodles & Designs brand!
Copyright Baby Cakes - Sandra Caldwell
Her doodles are delightful, whimsical and full of creative fun! 
 This is an amazing lady and with 15 different websites...all bursting with her talent, she's one busy bee!
For over 30 years, Sandra has been working in clay, paper clay, creating ATC ACEO Cards, doodles, paintings, Make-dos, and designing logos...(whew...makes me tired just thinking about all that LOL!)  Her grand kids are her inspiration and she puts her heart into every piece she creates.   Themes that she loves include Black Folkart, Childrens type art, and just about every holiday.   She creates mostly one-of-a-kind originals, but does create some prints as well!
When I asked Sandra what her favorite thing to create was she said, "my favorite works are the little paintings that I create for my granddaughters "wishes". She does not celebrate Halloween, so I paint her in different costumes and that way it's almost like she can experience it through my work!"  
Copyright Baby Cakes - Sandra Caldwell
Sandra also felt very good about a project that she was involved in between 2004-2008
where she designed for the Child Abuse Prevention Council of San Joaquin County Fundraisers.
She created logos for the organizations posters and invitations for the yearly fundraiser luncheon....this was a very heartwarming opportunity and one that she was very proud to be a part of!
So what can we find Sandra working on right now?
Well, it's her New Doodle This & That Blog which she just opened...
Copyright Babycakes - Sandra Caldwell
...and she's also getting ready to start another new adventure where she just recently signed on to create her designs for stamps and applications on fabric.

Pictured here are 3 of her favorite designs:
Little Tiny Babycakes Calendar 2011
Available in her Zazzle Store
Copyright Sandra Caldwell
 President George "Kat" Washington Painting
Available in both her Etsy & Merry Whatever Blog 
Copyright Sandra Caldwell
The Wizard of Owl
Available on the Halloween Artists website!
Copyright Sandra Caldwell
I asked Sandra if she had any tips or inspiring words to offer from her over 30 years of experience selling her art online and off-line...below is Sandra's answer!

 "I am grateful to be in such wonderful and talented folks company here online.  I feel blessed to have gotten to meet and make friends with all of you. You all keep me creating. You give me a make more ! Because you all are so talented!
I opened my first website in 2005 and if not for a lot of dear friends like Lenzie, & Lisa,
and Annette ,Kay Tee, Jan, Deb, Linda & Flora... to name a few I might have just turned around and left.  Life is hard...but online you never even know who you are talking to… Or who’s toes you stepped on.  Friend or Foe ?  So be careful...but put your trust in the right person...and you’re in for a wonderful time.  Ask for's out there. People are willing to teach or answer a question. 
And remember never give up...not if you love art !  It is worth trying...and unless you try, you'll never know!"

A big thanks to Sandra for sharing her 30 years of experience, her amazing talent and for inspiring us to just "go for it"! 
Her work is truly awesome and full of smiles!

More places you can find Sandra
Baby Cakes 2 Doodle on Zazzle

If YOU would like to be CREATIVELY FEATURED on Pop Art Minis Blog please email me through the Contact Me Link located on the right side bar of my blog!