Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Pawsitively" Poppin' With Color & Big Eyed Puppy Love...I'm DONE!

Poppy Puppy Love...Sharing A Secret With My Best Friend   by Joni Nickrent    copyright 2011
I'm Done! YAY! After 3 days of sketching, deciding...to color or not to color...and how much to color the two big eyed cuties are complete! And Yes, they are Poppin' with color! Once I got started I just couldn't stop! So here's a little picture review of the process from sketch to the colorful outcome! 
Sketching...adding details!
hmmm...trying just a few touches of color...should I keep going...YEP!
Colors starting to pop...too late to turn back now!

Hey, Poppy Puppy needs some color too!
There, that's better...my what big eyes you have!
Next up...background and we're done!
Signing off!
Side by Side...Whose side are you on? LOL
A BIG THANKS to all of YOU for making this a fun adventure with your awesome comments, suggestions and support! 
EYE say, let's do it again soon!