Saturday, April 2, 2011

W.I.P. Fairy Wonderland...Bright Eyes, Butterflies, Bees and Bugs!

Well my little fairy sketch from last night has taken a turn for the whimsical and she's grown quite bright eyed as she explores her Fairy Fantastical Wonderland! Just time for the sketch today, but before long I will be back in the comfort of my creative nest (fly back tomorrow night from China to USA...YAY) and I will be ready to add the POPS of color to this sketch! Already pictured in my head...pinks, purples, beautiful blues and gorgeous greens...gotta love a wonderland filled with nature and a magical fairy! Back to my dolly development work...still some magic to do there before it's time to drift off to dreamland and then spread my wings for the flight back home!
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