Friday, April 8, 2011

Facebook Friday Follow Fun...Join The Buzz in THE HIVE...Goodie Giveaway TOO!

I usually only post the Facebook Friday Follow Fun directly on The Hive's Blog Roll, but this Friday I thought I'd do it a little differently and post to my Pop Art Minis Blogspot wall...for a little extra buzz and linky love!
So join the fun...with some Hive Linky Love...leave your Facebook, Blog, or Twitter Links below and let's buzz by and LIKE each other's awesome page(s)! Don't forget to leave a comment or two so we know you buzzed by.
And for an added bonus...they'll be one lucky winner drawn randomly to receive a "scented goodie" from my Primitive Cottage Collections Candle Shop.
So what are we waiting for...let the buzzing beegin!
And if you're seeing this on The Hive (what's the HERE to join (it's FREE) and find out what the buzz is all about) be sure to buzz by my Blog post and leave your LINKY there too!
Ready Set....BUZZzzzz!