Saturday, April 23, 2011

Creatively Featuring! Parker's Piggy Bank....From Trash To Treasure...Earth Day Challenge!

CAUTION! Aunt Joni (that's me) is about to "squeal" with delight and CREATIVELY FEATURE my Great Nephew, Parker's cute "trash to treasure" Piggy Bank Project!  If you want to leave now I'll totally understand, but really I think you should stick around...this is just too cute to miss! 
I got a call early Saturday morning from my Sister Shari (whom I'll be blogging about should see here darling paper mache' Easter Baskets...LOVE!) to share with me about the Piggy Bank Parker had made for a school Earth Day Challenge.  She said it turned out so cute and he created it entirely from recycled and found around the house items! So before I even hung up the phone I was already anxious to see the pix of the pig...and knew that I just had to share...especially with it being Earth Week! After talking to my Sis I did a quick follow up call to my Niece, Jaci (Parker's Mom) to make sure that I had all of the details and that she would immediately (LOL) send me the pix! She laughed and said yes, they'd be on their way shortly! And sure enough they were...and I squealed again...tooooo cute!!!!!
A Side of Pork...oops...Side View!
Can you tell what the main recycled element is? Yep, A 1 liter Soda bottle covered with pink tissue paper...and the legs? Yep, toilet paper rolls cut in half!
Nosey little piggy...don't you think?
Button for the eyes and nose...we all have those things laying around. 
Cut cardboard for the ears...a touch of've got face!
Cut a slit in the top and that's where you drop...the coin!
Curly pipe cleaner tail..gee, that's swell!
There you have it...A Trash to Treasure that you can BANK on!
And a Special Thanks to Parker, my cool, creative "dude", for letting me share his
recycled craft "extraordinaire"! 
Definitely "squeal-able"...don't you think! Oink! Oink!