Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Sketches..."Poppy Puppy Love...Sharing A Secret With My Best Friend!" Big Eyed Art Inspiration

Sunday Sketches - Poppy Puppy   by Joni Nickrent   copyright 2011
I really enjoyed participating in last weeks Sunday Sketches over at Blue Chair Diary and when Saturday night rolled around I grabbed my sketchbook and got an early start on my Sunday submission! This weeks sketch was inspired by a step back in time to the 60's and 70's!
So what exactly from this time period inspired me?  
The amazing "big-eyed" artists...artists like Eve, Gig, Keane and others...that took the big, sad and awesomely expressive eyes to create a mod, fun, funky and fabulous look!
After a  little "google-searching" I came across a couple of paintings that I merged into my sketch!
This adorable painting by Eve inspired the big-eyed girl in my sketch!
This poor, pitiful, puppy by Gig inspired the "Poppy Puppy" in my sketch!
Changes, tweaks, twists and my version looks like this...from close up to completion!
"Poppy Puppy Love...Sharing a Secret With My Best Friend"'s a secret!
 Awww...Poppy Love!
 Eye See U
"Poppy Puppy Love...Sharing A Secret With My Best Friend"   by Joni Nickrent    copyright 2011 

And now the add "pops" of color or to leave in it's "sketchy Sunday" state?!
EYE would love to hear how you SEE it?
Shared Here!