Friday, April 22, 2011

The One Day Reminder...Earth Day Escapades GIVEAWAY!

Ok, so today is officially called "EARTH DAY"...the one day that we celebrate the earth in a BIG WAY...go "gaga" over green...plant trees, flowers, sing with the birds, recycle, upcycle, reuse, BUT WAIT!
What if...we celebrated EARTH DAY EVERYDAY? 
Sure! That's what Earth Day is really's a reminder!  Come on we all need a reminder every now and than...right?  Ok, got it..I know that I sometimes forget to put on my "green jeans" I can appreciate a little reminder! So....I'm pledging to be a better advocate for the Earth...go off on an Earth Day Escapade and actively participate daily by Reducing, Reusing, Recycling, Upcycling, Bicycling (SMILES) and Celebrating EARTH DAY not just on this one day, but EVERYDAY!

Now for the GIVEAWAY PART! 
That photo of the bag at the top of the post...that could be yours...a great green way to tote your groceries, lunches, anything that required a paper or plastic bag could be toted the "green" way in the reusable tote bag...featuring a fun "Think Green" Pop Art Mini design on the front pocket!
So for your chance to win the tote...with a few surprises tucked inside here's what you need to do!
Leave a comment below on how you "celebrate green...Earth Day, Everyday" That's it! Oh, ok...a follow here and there would be nice too! :)
Comments will be counted wherever this post shows up.
Pop Art Minis Official Blogspot
Pop Art Minis Facebook Wall
The Hive Blog Wall
BONUS! COMMENT in all 3 of the above places and you get 3 Chances to WIN!
Entries close 4/28/2011 at 11:59 pm.  ONE lucky winner will be drawn out of the hat on Friday, April 29, 2011
So...let the "green" comments, suggestions and shares begin!
How do you celebrate Earth Day...Everyday?  
"Think Green" by Joni Nickrent   copyright 2010
Happy Earth Day...GIVEAWAY!

Join me over at A BILLION ACTS OF GREEN where I have made a pledge and you can too!
P.S.  Sharing this post with a friend is an awesome thing...tweets are sweet!
Oh, and one more thing...make sure there's a way I can contact you if you're the winner of the giveaway...check back next Friday when I post the winning name!